
Inhibiting factors raising chickens laying

The purpose of a business course to obtain optimal benefits. Likewise, the business was laying chickens. The business world is a world full of competition, including the farm business world this layer. So before we decide to pursue a better kind of business we need to think carefully first. Basically there is no one's success can be achieved easily. Sure takes time, energy, thoughts and most importantly the persistence and tenacity

We first have to understand about the factors that become an obstacle in developing this business. Do not just look at a successful course. Because if at the beginning of our efforts have succeeded only think about, so there are difficulties of course we will lose the spirit may even have no interest anymore to continue this effort. In my opinion, in deciding a business that we first understand the difficulties and the factors that caused a failure of a business. So we are ready with the worst conditions will occur later.

Inhibiting factors of business this layer will give rise to problems and obstacles that require special handling ways. There are several kinds of problems and obstacles that will arise and hinder the development of this layer cattle business, among other:

  1. Risk of Death. After all efforts related to living things, of course, have a risk of death significantly. Just a slight error in maintenance, will result in many deaths, population shrinkage and decreased ability to produce. For example, usually a little careless breeders if they see healthy cattle, vaccination programs do not perform regularly as these things often happen to a beginner breeder. Knowledge of chicken diseases must also owned by the breeder, because the initial symptoms of the disease to know we can more quickly in delivering treatment. So that costs can be more suppressed. To learn more about this chicken disease, you can buy lots of books available in bookstores.

  2. Egg price fluctuations. although the world is laying chicken farm gives the farmer enough for the egg market opportunity is very promising, but farmers often shaken by the instability in the market price of eggs. Fluctuations in the market price of eggs is very difficult to take action anticipation. Although this constraint is usually temporary, but sometimes can last for a long time as the price of eggs in the year 2009 until the beginning of 2010 was severe enough for this layer farm, especially small farmers and ranchers beginners. I think the anticipation to reduce losses caused by price fluctuation is only by keeping a good stock feed.
  3. Unfavorable season. For tropical countries like ours where common seasons unfavorable for the poultry business, especially in dry years consecutive. The occurrence of dry years in succession. This causes delay in the harvest of food crops, especially corn and bran. Finally, providers of raw materials that feed corn is the biggest part of the rations, the very lack of or rare. And feed prices soar, too. So farmers will face a squeeze factor of 2 cattle chicken business, namely the increase in feed prices and fluctuations or a decline in egg prices.

    That the factors that become the main obstacle in laying chicken farm, whether you are ready to face these things?. Obviously there is no there is no problem that can not be resolved. Everything takes time, effort, thought and patience.

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Prospects of laying chickens

When we discuss about the constraints in raising chickens laying, now we discuss about the prospects. Development of race laying chickens in Indonesia has good prospects, especially when the review of the needs of the community aspects of nutrition. According to national standards, the consumption of protein per day per capita set comprising 55 g of 80% protein, 20% of vegetable and animal protein. Fulfillment of these nutrients, especially animal protein can be obtained from egg proteins. Thus, this layer cattle business has good potential to be developed.

There are several strains of chicken that is now being circulated or have circulated in Indonesia, among others, the following:

1. abor acres, was created in Amerika 1972
2. Dekalb WAren, was created in Amerika 1972
3. Hyline, was created in Amerika 1972
4. Hubbard golden comet, was created in Amerika 1972
5. Kimber Brown, was created ini California Amerika 1972
6. Harco, was created inAmerika 1972
7. Shaver, was created in kanada
8. Hisex, was created in Belanda 1972
9. Hypeco, was created inBelanda 1972
10. Rosella, was created in negeri belanda
11. Isa Brown, was created in Inggris 1972
12. Ross Brown, was created in Inggris 1972
13. Lohman, was created in jerman 1972
14. Enya, was created in jepang

Each was created by the Breeder and programmed to meet the standards of excellence that customers want. Advantages include:
1. productivity and higher egg weights.
2. lower food conversion
3. immunity and high vitality, and good growth.
4. Laying period of panjany (long lay)

While the breeders have been trying programmed to meet all of the benefits above, but each strain was still have limitations, so do not be all the criteria of excellence can be achieved by all strains. However, the breeders in distributing its products in the form of DOC, usually to include also the information advantage of each product. The data included is usually about productivity, feed conversion, vitality, weight and other egg.

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Infectious Bronchitis (IB)

Infectious Bronchitis causes damage mainly in the respiratory and reproductive tract. Disease spreads rapidly 18-36 hour incubation period. Clinical symptoms generated varies depending on age chickens. Chicken trouble breathing so that try meanjangkan breathe with neck and beak open wide, snoring and if the sneezing snot discharge. These symptoms disappear within 2-3 days but then decreased appetite and die. The death rate can reach 25%. In general, deaths at age more than 6 weeks less than the chicken age of 6 weeks or less.

Cause Disease
IB is caused by a virus entering classes corona and RNA structure. Known some serotypes namely Massachusetts, Connectitut, Georgia, of Delaware, Iowa 69, New Hampshire, Australian T & Arkansas California.
Cross immunity between some serotypes are not sufficient to protect the body against viral infection of chicken nature. Given the number of serotypes of the virus, and immunity to cross the digunakn success of vaccination should be a vaccine that contains virus serotypes are areas where the vaccination will be carried out.

Symptoms Disease
Disturbance that is visible is out mucus from the nose, shortness of breath, ngrok, gasping / skelter, sneezing and coughing. Eyes always look wet, wide angle and very medial niktitan red membrane. Appetite and drinking decreased. All ages are sensitive to chicken srangan IB, but the mortality especially in children ranges from 0-40% chicken. Young chicken who successfully recovered from the IB, the growth and production becomes inhibited. Tools and reproductive tract could be so badly damaged a chicken laying an egg can not produce. This is due to permanent damage to the ovaries and fallopian tubes due serangat IB disease at the age of chicks kuarng 2 weeks. Chicken egg like this can seem to stay healthy and at times plays like will lay eggs but never produce eggs. Disease in broiler Ib causes weight standard is not achieved, and increase the odds of respiratory disease.

In laying adult chicken voices will be heard snoring breathing time, egg production decreased between 10-50%. Low production sometimes occur within a very long time. Low quality due to eggs into egg shape is not normal, rough or soft eggshell. Thick egg white becomes very dilute so can not be distinguished from liquid egg white, egg hatching decreased power.

IB attacks against the influence of egg production at various age levels Chicken egg:

1. In young laying chickens, can cause late period of egg production, egg production may not reach the summit and was always laying low or the appearance of false. False laying chickens crouch as if to lay their eggs but did not come out.
2. In laying chickens that were in the critical period, which began laying period until the peak of production, resulting not reached peak production and egg production under the standards during the production period.
3. On top of Chicken production has elapsed, egg production dropped rapidly and after recovery production may rise again but under standard production.

If the surgery done carcass will appear on respiratory disorders, airbags, ovaries and oviduct, and sometimes the kidneys. Changes in the respiratory tract in the trachea. bronchi and nasal cavities that are found in serous secretions. Tracheal mucous membrane on a reddish, bags became cloudy dab udar there is a thickening.

At Chicken of the production, the ovaries become weak and tender. Often found in egg yolk in the abdominal cavity so that it will happen inflammation of the peritoneum. Are found in the kidneys that typically accompanied by swelling of precipitation. IB attacked chickens susceptible to other diseases. This will mjam. Resulting situation becomes more severe disease and a respiratory disease that is difficult to cure. It is because there is damage to the ciliated respiratory tract mucous membranes, especially in the nasal cavity and trachea. Cilia became broken and not berffungsi, so there is no longer that help block the disease-causing germs masuknay into the respiratory mucous membranes. This condition caused Escherechia coli bacteria and germs easily enter.

Contagion in the very short time. Within 2-3 days most or all the chickens in a cage becomes sick. 18-36 hour incubation period. IB is the most rapid disease spread among other infectious poultry diseases. Transmission does not occur through the eggs. The source of transmission was virus ayamsakit yangmengeluarkan along dibatukan mucus or phlegm is removed from the eye / nostril. Transmission occurs directly where healthy chickens inhaling air containing the virus particles. Transmission can also occur indirectly. ie, if the contaminating virus shed workers, peraltan the cage, insects, wild chicken / other animals into the body of healthy birds through the digestive or respiratory tract.

Disease Control

1. Vaccination. Vaccine production during the test can use active or inactive vaccine. In order to determine more quickly when vaccination monitoring should be done every month antibody titer.
2. Perform sanitation cage (cage cleaned, washed and antisep sprayed with), limiting visitors, prevent wild animals and other pets into the cage environment.

Have not found a drug that can cure infectious bronchitis. Businesses that may be performed on an infected chicken is a chicken body condition quickly improved and hence stimulate appetite by providing vitamins. IB attacked when young chickens (starter period), can also be given additional heating.


Disease Control by Vaccination

Vaccination is done with the purpose of giving immunity to the body of the vaccinated chickens from disease. There are several vaccines that are named according to the type of disease that becomes sasaranya. There is no vaccine ND, IB, ILT, AI and others. With acquired immunity because the action of this vaccination, the breeders do not have to worry about any disease outbreaks that come at any time.

Thus, the chicken disease prevention through vaccination programs and should receive priority attention. Lax implementation of vaccination can be fatal, which is chicken specific disease difficult to overcome. Until now ND deaths from the disease also remains a major threat.

The emergence of vaccine immunity by entering into the chicken body and the process takes time. For example, the vaccine caused the immune ND gradually in stages. Immunity arose after 5-7 days after the chickens vaccinated. Then the immunity will continue to increase until 2-3 weeks after vaccination done. Before the immunity, ie 0-5 days after vaccination, a negative phase. Negative phase means the phase when the chicken is in the condition it is more susceptible to disease than chickens that are not in the vaccine.

Long immunity produced by a vaccine depends on the type of vaccine itself:

1. Lentogenik ND vaccines, such as strain M, a weak strain capable of providing immunity only for 3 months. Such vaccines are well suited as the basic vaccines, given to the chickens that had never been vaccinated.
2. Lasota vaccine is the vaccine strain is, this vaccine is given to the chickens that had been in the vaccine or adult chicken. This vaccine can provide immunity for 6 months.
3. Mesogenik vaccine, vaccine-like strains komarrow, the vaccine strain of malignant, which can provide immunity in a longer time, which is about 12 months. Such vaccines should not be given to the chickens that had never been vaccinated. \

But the practice in the field, for laying chickens on our farm, do revaksinasi ND 1 month.

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Egg Drop Syndrome 1976 (EDS'76)

Egg Drop Syndrome is a disease in chickens characterized only by a decrease in the quality and quantity of egg production, but the chicken will still appear healthy. The disease was discovered in 1976, hence given the name Egg Drop Syndrome'76 (EDS'76). This disease has now spread throughout the world including Indonesia.

Cause disease
EDS'76 caused by adenovirus type viruses that are to Agglutination (agglomerate) blood cells, red birds.

The disease often occurs in laying chickens 25-26 weeks of age. Chicken looked healthy, showed no symptoms except for a decrease in production was accompanied by a drastic decline in egg quality. Usually the greater the reduction in the quantity of eggs that produced the lower the quality too. But sometimes precedes the decline in egg quality decrease in egg production. eggshell eggs change color became more pale, soft or rough and deformed eggs or small.

Egg production will decrease 20-40% over 6-10 weeks. Eggs that deviate from the normal form of the bud decreased (fertility) and the hatching. At surgery an infected chicken carcasses found in disorders such EDS'76 spleen mmembesar with the little white spots enlarged, the uterus (oviduct) become loose and there is edema in subserosanya network. Mucosal folds and membengkat uterine edema, blurred terselaputi colored exudate, sometimes found in yellowish perkapuran material between the folds of the uterine mucosa. Mild reduction in egg yolk.

Disease Transmission
Infectious diseases horizontally and vertically. EDS caused the infection of eggs hatching into fall so that the amount of DOC from the parent EDS contracted only slightly. But there will still be attacked by EDS's parent still looking healthy and produce contaminated eggs lightly EDS virus that can hatch into DOC.

This needs to watch out for during the DOC grow, the virus remains EDS didalamm body and as if asleep. At the time the chicken started laying eggs, the asleep EDS virus and the number slightly, to wake up. Proliferate and spread to other chickens in a cage. when the chicken will reach the peak, production is growing EDS virus could rise before clinical symptoms if there is no prevention efforts.

Apart from the DOC contracted as mentioned above, transmission can occur horizontally. EDS'76 a successful virus spread in chicken body multiply and spread to other chickens during the grower and the chickens stay healthy. But later on when you begin laying eggs until they reach peak production of clinical symptoms of EDS ready to appear if there is no prevention efforts. Source of infection can be carried along with the eggs hatching, hatching equipment, and "egg tray". Disease control

1. EDS'76 vaccination at the age of 16-18 weeks.
2. Conducting sanitation cage (cage cleaned, washed), limiting visitors, to prevent wild animals and other pets into the cage environment. Transport and sanitation facilities that will sapronak into the stall.
3. Farm denggan well managed so as to create a comfortable atmosphere for the chicken, the chicken in a cage is not too crowded, dusty and litter not too humid. Adequate and stable ventilation wherever possible implemented system all in all out.


There is no medicine that can cure this disease, efforts that can be done is to maintain body condition remained good and increase your appetite with vitamins. Secondary infections prevented by giving antibiotics.


Introduction Various kinds of disinfectants

There are various kinds of common disinfectants used to wash and disinfect the equipment cage. Each disinfectant has the power and the nature we need to learn.

1. Coustic Soda (NaOH), soda ash. Coustic Soda (NaOH) 2% can be used to control the spread of disease, caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. This material is very good for the virus exterminator, but in its use must be careful, because this material is hard. The user must be using rubber gloves, because in a certain concentration can irritate the skin. Therefore, it would be dangerous if exposed to the face and eyes. spent in the cage disinfection with caustic soda, should be left blank until stable conditions such as floors and walls are dry. or if necessary, after disinfecting contact with the floor and walls, for + - 8 hours, can be rinsed with clean water. caustic soda solution is very effective to kill the IB and ND viruses.

2. Lysol. Disinfectants are used to sanitize cages and equipment after the depopulation (the emptying of the cage) is made after the chicken out or hit by plague. Compared to phenol, lysol disinfectant ability as a better bacteria and non-toxic. Lysol many Dapasaran sold with 100% concentration while 2% dalampemakaianya enough alone, so if you use must be diluted first.

3. Phenol 2%. It is a derivative (derivatives) of phenolkresol. In general, derivatives are highly resistant to the resistance of the remaining organic siasa. Phenol is very suited to sanitize the cages and wash tub footwear.

4. Jodophor (halogen). Disinfectant group is usually called by the name of halogens. This is a synthetic material of iodine (halogens) and organic substances. This is very effective disinfectant for all bacteria, fungi, viruses, and can be used in a variety of purposes. Jodophor besides functioning as a disinfectant as well as serve as snitaizer and antiseptika.

5. 40% formalin (formaldehyde). Formalin as a disinfectant can be used in various purposes, including the following :

1. To sanitize the floor and walls of the cage, use a solution of formaldehyde in water 4%.
2. To decontaminate footwear, used a solution of formaldehyde in water 0.5% -1%.
3. As a material or element Fumigation. On another occasion I will write this way the use of formalin for fumigation.

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Chicken Anemia Agent (CAA)

Chicken Anemia Agent (CAA) to attack all ages, sensitivity to infections decreased at 2-3 weeks of age. CAA infection accompanied with Marek's attack, Reovirus and IBD will result in increased morbidity and mortality due to reliability weak body against disease. The disease is caused by a virus family that has Cirrcoviridae DNA genome.

Symptoms Disease
Yam died suddenly (acute). CAA infection in young chickens causes stunted growth. During produkksi causes rapid production decline. Anokreksia, depression, lethargy and drowsiness (letargic). Comb and wattle pale, anemia. Are sometimes found in the muscle ganggrenous dermatitis which then ended with necrosis. On the wings of bleeding and turned blue and a thick discharge. On a mild infection, found no clinical symptoms. Death can be up to 60%, but generally 10-20%.

Carcasses found on the reduction of surgical thymus, spleen and bursal Fabricius. pale bone marrow and fat. Bleeding in the muscle under the skin. Sometimes found dermatitis and an enlarged liver. Damage to organs and haemopoetik CAA lymphopoetik that can inhibit the formation of immunity (immuno suppressif) that can cause failure of vaccination.

Disease Transmission
Vertically from the ill parent and horizontally from chicken to chicken ill health.

Disease Control

1. Prevention. CAA vaccination in both the active vaccine or an inactive vaccine to raise the parent antibody for egg production so that the DOC has produced high maternal antibodies.
2. Treatment. There is no cure for this disease. Providing vitamins and antibiotics to prevent secondary infection.

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Disinfectants to control poultry diseases

Disinfectants are chemical compounds that have the labor force as a repellent and inhibiting the growth of certain microorganisms. Thus, meaning not all disinfectants can be used to eradicate all types of microorganisms. There is a suitable disinfectant for memabsmi is only one type of organism only. Namu some are able to eradicate more than two microorganisms. NaOH for example, has a strong power to kill the parasites.

Incorrectness of the selection and use of desinfectan be very harmful, because this action will not be able to reach sassaran. So that breeders can use disinfectants appropriately and correctly, breeders have the technical terms associated with higienisasi action, desinfectan recognize different types and how its use.

Some important terms in the action higienisasi is:

1. Bakterisid. Is the chemicals in certain concentrations capable of killing microorganisms (germs).

2. Mikrobisid. Is a chemical that has the ability to kill more than one type of microorganisms. This material may dlam disposable eradicate some types of microorganisms as well, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and parasites.

3. Bakteriostat (Mikrobiostat). Is a chemical that can prevent germ cells that will reproduce themselves.

4. Antieptika. Is a class of chemicals in mikrobisid or mikrobisostat safe enough when used on living tissue, without causing damage.

5. Sanitaiser. Is a substance that is used to obtain a healthy environment, namely to reduce the number of germs that can guarantee the health condition. This Sanitaiser can not kill all organisms present on a surface such as disinfectant.


Avian Inflenza (AI)

Avian Inflenza (AI) is a viral disease that affects the respiratory system, digestive, reproductive and nervous at the various species of birds. AI viruses vary widely in the cause of disease (patogenisitas) and kemampuanya spread among birds. species of wild birds usually do not show clinical symptoms, but some AI viruses cause severe illness and death in chickens and turkeys.

Avian Inflenza (AI) is not a new disease. This disease first occurred in Italy in 1878 and known as fowl plaque. Agricultural departments officially declare the existence of AI in Indonesia on 25 January 2004. Disease marked by high mortality and can not be dammed premises antibiotics.

Losses incurred varies depending on the virus strain, avian species AI disease, methods of control and precision of control or eradication strategies. Direct losses due to AI covers, morbidity and high mortality, depopulation and increased costs, particularly cost sanitation / disinfection.

Avian Inflenza (AI) is caused by a virus family Orthomyxoviridae, genus influenza virus A. Virus particle has an envelope with glycoprotein that has hemagglutinasi activity (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). HA and NA is the principal serological identification of influenza viruses, there are 15 antigens haemagglutinin and 9 neuraminidase. Subtypes in Indonesia right now is H5N1.

Haemagglutinin is a viral envelope glycoprotein molecule that serves to bind the virus to target cell receptors and initiate infection. Neuraminidase is an enzyme the virus needs to remove the virus from the offspring of infected cells. Enzyme both HA and NA can stimulate immunity.

AI virus is relatively unstable in the environment. This virus can be inaktifkan by environmental factors such as: heat (temperature 80derajat Celsius for 1 minute and 64 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes), pH extremes and drought. Because this virus has a lipid membrane dibagian outside, so sensitive to organic solvents, detergents and disinfectants, namely ammonium kuarterner, aldeheide and iodine. AI virus protected olleh organic material in the cage like mucus, blood and feces. In fese can last for 7 days at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.


The incubation period ranges from several hours to 3 days. Clinical symptoms vary widely depending on factors that affected the species, age, gender, immune and environmental factors. Malignancy level AI virus can be divided into 2, namely: High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and Low Phatogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI). Malignancy level AI virus is the main factor influencing the clinical symptom picture.


Is a form of mild (less virulent), not followed by secondary infection. In the wild birds do not cause clinical symptoms. In domestic poultry production decline caused by soft eggshell quality or stopped altogether. Other changes that can be found that respiratory distress (coughing, sneezing, snoring), anorexia (no appetite), depression, and low mortality but tended to increase.

Changes surgical carcass (anatomic pathology) LPAI namely: proventikulus inflammation in the area near the border with ventrikulus, pancreas red and pale yellow, sinusitis, tracheal secretions are serous to kaseus, thickening the air bag containing mucus, peritonitis, inflammation of the kidneys and acid precipitation vein.


an acute form of the disease process characterized by fast with high mortality, egg production stopped or decreased dramatically, respiratory distress (coughing, sneezing, snoring, lakrimasi), sinusitis, edema of the head and face, bleeding under the skin tissue of the skin followed by a bluish teruutama feet, head and gill. In perakut cases, the disease is rapid, the chicken died suddenly without any changes can be observed. Mortality and morbidity varies depending on type of bird, age, environmental conditions (ammonia levels, cage density, ventilation), and the presence or absence of secondary infection. Mortality and morbidity due to HPAI reaches 100%, mortality usually increases between 10-50 times from the previous day and reached the peak on day 6 s / d to 7 since the clinical symptoms. Changes in internal organs varies, in general, the mucosal surface bleeding and tissue death in the internal organs. This is especially true Perubhan in epikardium, chest muscle and mucosa proventrikulus and ventrikulus. Intestinal mucosal bleeding occurs the area, especially in lymphoid foci Seca including the tonsils. These changes can not be distinguished by Velogenic Viscerotopic Newcastle Disease.

Chickens have diarrhea of the light green and then changed to white. Leg between the knee and the fingers have haemorrhagi diffuse areas (bleeding evenly). Respiratory symptoms depending on the severity of the trachea. The amount of mucus collected may vary.

In the broiler, the symptoms are often not very visible with severe depression, no appetite, and there was an increase of death of the first visible. Edema on the face and neck and neurological symptoms such as ataxia torticolis and can also be found. At the local ducks and geese clinical symptoms: depression, no appetite, and diarrhea as well as in laying chickens and often accompanied by swollen sinuses. The young Ducks look of nervous symptoms.

Disease Transmission

AI virus from the nose, mouth, conjunctiva and cloaca of infected birds. This is because the AI virus to multiply in the respiratory, digestive, kidney and / or reproductive system.

Inkbasi period varies from several hours to 3 days in individual infected poultry, or up to 14 days in Flok chicken. The virus is transmitted by direct contact from infected poultry from pernapaan channels, konjunktiva and feces. Transmission can also indirectly eg through debau containing AI virus, rations, drinking water, equipment shed another dn-lain.Kurang no data to support the vertical transmission of AI. Infected parent will mengahsilkan egg with the eggshell but tekontaminasi virus that contaminated eggs will not hatch.

Disease Control

1. Bio-security. It is important to control the AI case, namely to prevent the entry of AI into poultry populations from natural sources, and control the spread of and between farms. Biosecurity principles include 3 things, namely to minimize the presence of disease agents, minimizing the chance of disease agents associated with the landlady, and make the environment so as not conducive to the life of disease agents. Various actions can be performed breeders are: disinfection of stables and barn equipment, vehicles and out of the farm location, wearing special clothing to work in cages, ban those who do not go for interest to the stable, and minimize the entry of birds / wild birds to farm.
2. Vaccination. Used is an inactive vaccine containing the homologous virus strain (same) with a local isolate subtype (H5N1). Vaccination program conducted only in the infected areas, the bulk of all healthy birds by injecting individually and if required revaccination (booster). Vaccination of poultry include the entire population at risk (100%) in the infected area. The use of vaccines requires examination at 3-4 weeks serulogis post vaccination to ensure that potential vaccines. Standard of OIE (Office International des Epizooties) / Oragnisasi world for animal health is 3 weeks post vaccination antibody is formed of at least 2 ^ 4 (16).

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Chicken Cage Sanitation

Sanitation is a disease control measures through cleanliness. Therefore, to obtain a clean environment, healthy and hygienic sanitation measures should be implemented regularly. It must be recognized that the lack of sanitation is often caused enormous opportunities for development of a disease. Often the virus is high since DOC virulensinya arrived. Malignancies such as this can only be suppressed by an act of sanitation and good management.

Malignancy sanitation harmful organisms can be suppressed.

1. Environmental Sanitation. The main target of sanitation include the entire cage and all kinds of peralatnya, such as food storage, egg storage, trenches around the stable and barn. after cage emptied because afkir chickens, cages should be washed, and then disinfected. To do this disinfection should really understood kind of disinfectant, the nature and way of use.
2. Sanitation workers. Officers are those who served daily in the cage, the daily contact with chickens, both in charge of the chicken management, handling of egg production and so on. However, keep in mind is that workers can not be separated from the outside world, so they also become targets sanitation. sebelu officer began his job in the cage, and they must be in a state hygienic, germ-free.
3. Against Sanitation chicken. Sanitation target is not confined to cages, equipment and prtugasnya only. But the group also managed aymnya must obtain sanitation treatment.

Sanitation efforts against the chicken is done as follows:

1. The chickens are sick immediately removed from the group, and placed in isolation cages to get special treatment.
2. Chickens that died in the carcass should be burned so as not to be a source of disease.

Handling of carcasses that are not appropriate, such as that done by burial or utilization of animal carcasses as feed is not true, as this will help spread the seeds of disease in healthy chickens.

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Avian Encephalomylitis (AE)

Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE) is also called tremaor epidemic is primarily a disease of chickens characterized by central nervous disorders. Avian Encephalomyelitis is a contagious infection diseases caused by viruses.

Morbidity can reach 60%, whereas the mortality rate ranges from 5-30%. In the current egg-laying chickens can be a decline in production, egg hatching decreased power because of the death of the embryo. Chickens that recover from the disease can suffer AE cataracts or blindness.

Avian Encephalomyelitis caused by a virus found in feces can hold up to 4 weeks. Chickens recovered from AE will be a resistant and does not become a source of disease. Acquired immunity either from infection or vaccination results and survive long enough to last a lifetime.

In young chickens, if clinical symptoms appear at age less than 2 weeks is an infection occurs through the egg. If the clinical symptoms appear paada age more than 2 weeks is an infection occurs horizontally. The disease generally occurs at age 3 weeks. Disturbance appeared:
ataxia, tremors, paralysis in the head neck and died. In laying chickens trouble happened not unique, only a decrease in egg production was also a decline in egg quality and the quality of DOC.

The most common disease transmission through the egg from infected mother to her child. In addition, transmission occurs either through direct contact or indirectly.


1. DOC buying seedlings from a company that has been done in the parent AE vaccination.
2. Vaccination AE do on a regular basis.

There is no medicine that can cure AE. In healthy chickens still endeavored to keep a good body condition, stimulated nafsumakan vitamins and prevention of secondary infection by providing antibioti.

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Type DOC (day old chick)

DOC (day old chick), chicks aged 1 day was to determine the success of poultry business. DOC a good condition is the initial capital is very important.

DOC is well marked with the following criteria:

1. Weight meet ideal weight, ie 35 g or appropriate standard weight, which is not less than 32 g. DOC body weight positively correlated to the rate of growth of chicken.
2. Behave nimble, agile, and active foraging. Will react to the touch, dirt will not stick in the rectum.
3. Position in the group are always scattered.
4. Elastic abdominal cavity, covered with dry navel hair smooth cotton, soft and shiny.
5. Eyes round and bright.

If in the election effort this seed breeders are able to identify the condition based on the above criteria, then at least this will reduce the risk because of factors in which we do not want.

In the world of livestock, seeds chicken laying by the breeders are divided into two types, namely types and types are mild.

DOC type of light

Mild type chicken was developed specifically to produce eggs. All the resources mobilized for the production of chicken eggs. This mild type chickens have characteristics as follows:

1. Small body, lean and agile behavior.
2. Combs single, large and seemed to fall aside.
3. Bright eyes.
4. Early sexual maturity grows, the age of 4 months of starting production.
5. High egg production, with a rather thin skin and egg white.
6. More sensitive to the environment and easily startled.

Some strains are included in this type of light is Babcock, Hisex White, Ross White, Hubbard Leghorn.

DOC type of medium

This type chicken was developed to produce eggs and meat (after the afkir). Thus, this type of chicken to share resources to produce eggs and meat. Therefore, this medium type chickens are also called dual to the type of chicken. But the emphasis remains focused its resources on egg production. This type of chicken has characteristics as follows:

1. Larger body size and more robust than the type of light, and behave calmly.
2. Badanya weights heavier than the type of light, because the amount of meat and more fat.
3. The muscles of legs and thicker chest.
4. High egg production, with a thick egg shell is brown.

Some strains are included in this type is the Lohman Brown, Hisex Brown, Hubbard Golden Comet, Rosa Brown, Dekalb Brown, Isa Brown. Lately, farmers were more likely to choose the type is due to high egg production and the meat was not bad either.

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Classification of disease in poultry

In a chicken farm, the disease is one risk that must sometimes be faced. Therefore, the symptoms of each disease, know the source and can cause disease prevention, is one of the provisions that are important to the success of farm businesses.

Various types of diseases cause similar symptoms, but there are some typical symptoms for each type of disease. Here I will explain the types of disease in poultry (chicken, quail, ducks and other avian species) based on the cause:

Diseases caused by viruses:

1. Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE).
2. Avian Influenza (AI)
3. Chicken Anemia Agennt (CAA)
4. Egg Drop Syndrome (EDS'76)
5. Fowl Pox (Chicken Pox)
6. Helicopter Disease (Runting & Stunting Syndrome)
7. Infectious Bronchitis (IB).
8. Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD = Gumboro Disease)
9. Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)
10. Limphoid Leukosis (LL)
11. Marek's Disease (MD)
12. Newcastle Disease (ND = Tetelo)
13. Swollen Head Syndrome

Diseases caused by bacteria:

1. Avian Tubercullosis.
2. Chronic Respiratory Disease
3. Collibacillosis
4. Fowl Cholera (cholera)
5. Injectious Coryza (Snot, runny nose)
6. Sallmonellosis (- Avian Paratypoid, - Fowl Thypoid,-Pullorum)
7. Staphylococcosis
8. Streptococcosis
9. Necrotic Enteritis

Disease caused by parasites in (endoparasit):

1. Protozoa (-Koksidiosis
-Leucocytozoonosis ( "malaria like" poultry)
-Malaria Poultry
2. Wormwood

The disease is caused by external parasites:

1. Lice
2. Louse
3. Mites
4. Fleas

Diseases caused by fungi and toxins Mushroom:

1. Aspergillosis
2. Mycotoxicosis

The disease is caused by various kinds:

1. Hidrops ascites

hopefully useful


The most important thing in starting a duck farm business

The whole segmentation duck farming activities / ducks can make money. Starting from producing hatching eggs, egg consumption, the DOD (day old duck), ducks doves (BAYAH), cut and feed ducks. Breeding objectives is the first thing to think about, because it was a lot of reality shows that the purpose of breeding, which is the main cause of the "success or failure" of a farm duck / duck this. Many breeders duck / duck that stands just simply because the bandwagon is already a pattern of general business in Indonesia, farmers like these so-called marginal farmers. By knowing the breeding goal will be to encourage all existing capabilities in encouraging farmers to business. With a clear goal will mean real farmer in managing the ranch would otherwise fail and lose money.

To achieve these goals the farmer should be able to apply and master the three things namely the Technical, Business and Management.

Technical means understanding how to manage the ranch for cattle production equipment was in the living things that can not survive just left that must be managed in accordance with the needs of duck / duck and not solely on the basis of farmers will be.

Business is all managed in the farm duck / duck must be in accordance with the principles of business because our goal is breeding for profit. The cost should be in accordance with the details, it is often forgotten by the breeder duck / duck. Begin breeding duck / duck with existing capabilities and do not push yourself, does not raise beyond the existing carrying capacity. Breeder duck / duck must also fully understand the link between food, production, sales planning and market situation.

Management means managing all the elements in the farm involved in order to run in accordance with the objectives or plans of profit. It could be said also in farm management is the art, so in practice is usually done with a different style from one farmer to another farmer.

Hopefully useful


Quail Bird Farming (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

Quail, or commonly known by the name "gemak" (in Java) called Latin Coturnix coturnix japonica included in the family Phasianidae. Quail Birds have wings, but not smart like a bird flying in general.

Quail cage model is 2 (two) types of commonly used litter system (ground husk) and cage systems (batteries). The size of the cage for 1 m 2 can be filled kittens 90-100 quail, next to 60 tail for 10 days until the age of the chicks off.

Maintenance quail done starting age 1 day to 18 months. At the age of 1 to 30 days of maintenance performed on postal cage or litter, the next day transferred to battery cages. In a stable system that needs attention is the ideal temperature is stable or normal range 20-25 ยบ C, humidity 30-80% range cage; light stable enough during the day from 25 to 40 watts, while the 40-60 watts at night (this applies for a cloudy / rainy season). The layout of the cage should be set for the morning sun can enter the cage.

Quail began producing at the age of 38 days. Peak production can last for 4 months starting in the 4, 5, 6 and 7. Peak production can reach up to 90% usually produce quail beginning at 15:00 until 22:00. Unique from the maintenance of this quail in a cage with a population of 2000 fish were approximately 5 stud tail, aim as encouraging females to lay eggs on. Communication can be heard in a voice that said they responded.

Regular vaccination program given that Lasota or NDIB ND (Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis) on day 9 and AI (Avian Influenza or bird flu) on day 30. feed that can be given to quail consists of several forms, namely: the form of pellets, crumbs and flour. Because quail peck like to nosy friends will have busy with pakannya pecking. Providing quail chicks rations given 2 (two) times a day morning and afternoon. While quail teen / adult ration is given only once a day ie in the morning. For the provision of drinking on children quail at continually seeds.

The disease usually attacks quail include:

1. Enteritis (Quail enteritis)

Cause: Clostridium colinum, anaerobic bacteria that form spores and attacking down the intestine and cecum, which may cause keradangan
Symptoms: quail seemed lethargic, decreased appetite, hair looks dull, watery diarrhea
Transmission: Through the feed and feces-contaminated drinking
Control: improving governance, maintenance, and separating the healthy quails from an infected. Keep cleaning the cage and tried to get the population is not too dense
Prevention: Basitrasin 0.005% - 0.01% dlm feed / drinking water
Treatment: Through the feed / drinking water by mixing basitrasin, klortetrasiklin, erythromycin, doksisiklin, ampicillin, tilosin and linkomisin.

Basitrasin Dose: 100 g / ton of food

2. Prolapse

Cause: too many gifts of vitamins and minerals for the egg, so that the egg shape is too large, at issue, too oviduct out (perforated)

Symptoms:: eggs are too large, at issue, too oviduct out (perforated) so that the cause of death

Prevention: Providing additional minerals not excessive enough

3. Newcastle Disease (ND) or tetelo

The cause: a virus groups paramyxo

Symptoms:: quail difficult breathing, coughing, sneezing, arising grunting, lethargic, sleepy eyes, wings drooping, greenish watery feces. Tortikolis (head twisting uncertain)

Prevention: Vaccination at the age of 9 days

Transmission: Through food and drink, the air and the equipment is less net cages

Control: Keeping the environment clean and contaminated equipment viruses, chickens die soon burned / removed (not thrown in the river), separate the sick chickens

Treatment: no cure, but to prevent secondary bacterial infection can be given Ampicilin, colistin, Enrofloxasin. And to improve the conditions given vitamins.

4. Pullorum (white defecate)

Cause: the bacteria Salmonella pullorum

Symptoms:: white droppings, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, feathers and wings weak contract hanging. White poop, slow growth, wing hanging down, breath was labored-2, Arthritis, egg production falls, falling appetite, diarrhea and white, can be cured if a career, dirt littering cloaca

Prevention: Maintain cleanliness of cages and cage equipment used

Transmission: Through food and drink, and equipment less net cages

Treatment: Ampicilin, colistin, Enrofloxasin. And to improve the conditions given vitamins.

5. Koksidiosis (dysentery)

Cause: protozoan parasite, Eimeria sp

Symptoms: scab, scab incidence in the hairless skin, such as gill, foot, mouth and farink that if released would bleed

Prevention: Maintain cleanliness of cages and cage equipment used, separating the infected quail

Transmission: fecal contamination on equipment that is less clean cages, which contained feces ookista quail quail consumed by patients healthy.

Treatment: Sulfaquinoxaline, amprolium, diclazuril

6. Fowl Pox (chicken pox)

The cause: a virus poxviruses

Symptoms:: bloody stool and diarrhea, lack of appetite, terkulasi wings, dull hair, anemia appears to pale wattle

Prevention: Separating the infected quail and keep cleaning the cage

Transmission: contaminated food, drink and the air

Treatment: no cure, but to prevent secondary infection can be given antibiotics ampicilin, colistin, tetracyclin. Can be applied neomycin in the wound after smallpox outgrowth peeling.

7. Quail Bronchitis

Causes: viruses adenoviruss

Symptoms:: quail looked listless, dull hair, trembling, difficult breathing, coughing and sneezing, eye and nose sometimes mucus.

Prevention: Separating the infected quail and keep cleaning the cage

Transmission: air circulation is not good or overcrowded cages

Treatment: enrofloxasin

8. Aspergillosis

Cause: The fungus Aspergillus fumigatus

Symptoms:: Quail experiencing breathing problems, eye white layer is formed to resemble cheese, drowsiness, decreased appetite ..

Prevention: improving sanitation and the environment surrounding the stable

Transmission: food storage too long, so moldy, the air circulation is not good or overcrowded cages

Treatment: The provision of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) to reduce the effects of poisoning due to fungi (aflatoxin)

To avoid the occurrence of disease stable environmental hygiene and vaccination against quail need to be done on a regular basis. Disease control is done every time and if there are signs of a less healthy for quail treatment must be carried out in accordance with veterinarian instructions or directions from Poultry Shop


Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)

In early disease events, sudden hair loss that lasts for 1-3 days. Chicken snoring, coughing and breathing with difficulty so that intermittent neck extended. Based on my experience of this disease is usually protracted. Sometimes a small chicken can also be infected if not in the vaccine and there is a new layer was sick vaccinated because vaccination post close distance.

The disease is running very fast, 6-10 day incubation period. 5-70% mortality rate, usually ranges between 10-20% with morbidity rates can reach 100%. ILT attacked chickens may die or recover after 2 weeks. In layer production may be down to 10-20%, the production will return to normal after 4 weeks.

ILT is caused by a virus. Virus is easily killed by disinfectants and direct sunlight. The virus will die at a temperature of 55 degrees Celsius for 10-15 minutes and the temperature 38 degrees Celsius for 48 hours. At 0 degrees Celsius temperature survive and remain infective outside the host. If a virus hidden in the mucus or chicken carcass remains dangerous for a long time. chickens that had recovered from the attack would be immune to ILT within 1 year, while the vaccination will lead to immunity in the 2-12 month period.

hopefully useful

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