Cause disease
EDS'76 caused by adenovirus type viruses that are to Agglutination (agglomerate) blood cells, red birds.
The disease often occurs in laying chickens 25-26 weeks of age. Chicken looked healthy, showed no symptoms except for a decrease in production was accompanied by a drastic decline in egg quality. Usually the greater the reduction in the quantity of eggs that produced the lower the quality too. But sometimes precedes the decline in egg quality decrease in egg production. eggshell eggs change color became more pale, soft or rough and deformed eggs or small.
Egg production will decrease 20-40% over 6-10 weeks. Eggs that deviate from the normal form of the bud decreased (fertility) and the hatching. At surgery an infected chicken carcasses found in disorders such EDS'76 spleen mmembesar with the little white spots enlarged, the uterus (oviduct) become loose and there is edema in subserosanya network. Mucosal folds and membengkat uterine edema, blurred terselaputi colored exudate, sometimes found in yellowish perkapuran material between the folds of the uterine mucosa. Mild reduction in egg yolk.
Disease Transmission
Infectious diseases horizontally and vertically. EDS caused the infection of eggs hatching into fall so that the amount of DOC from the parent EDS contracted only slightly. But there will still be attacked by EDS's parent still looking healthy and produce contaminated eggs lightly EDS virus that can hatch into DOC.
This needs to watch out for during the DOC grow, the virus remains EDS didalamm body and as if asleep. At the time the chicken started laying eggs, the asleep EDS virus and the number slightly, to wake up. Proliferate and spread to other chickens in a cage. when the chicken will reach the peak, production is growing EDS virus could rise before clinical symptoms if there is no prevention efforts.
Apart from the DOC contracted as mentioned above, transmission can occur horizontally. EDS'76 a successful virus spread in chicken body multiply and spread to other chickens during the grower and the chickens stay healthy. But later on when you begin laying eggs until they reach peak production of clinical symptoms of EDS ready to appear if there is no prevention efforts. Source of infection can be carried along with the eggs hatching, hatching equipment, and "egg tray". Disease control
1. EDS'76 vaccination at the age of 16-18 weeks.
2. Conducting sanitation cage (cage cleaned, washed), limiting visitors, to prevent wild animals and other pets into the cage environment. Transport and sanitation facilities that will sapronak into the stall.
3. Farm denggan well managed so as to create a comfortable atmosphere for the chicken, the chicken in a cage is not too crowded, dusty and litter not too humid. Adequate and stable ventilation wherever possible implemented system all in all out.
There is no medicine that can cure this disease, efforts that can be done is to maintain body condition remained good and increase your appetite with vitamins. Secondary infections prevented by giving antibiotics.