Cause Disease
IB is caused by a virus entering classes corona and RNA structure. Known some serotypes namely Massachusetts, Connectitut, Georgia, of Delaware, Iowa 69, New Hampshire, Australian T & Arkansas California.
Cross immunity between some serotypes are not sufficient to protect the body against viral infection of chicken nature. Given the number of serotypes of the virus, and immunity to cross the digunakn success of vaccination should be a vaccine that contains virus serotypes are areas where the vaccination will be carried out.
Symptoms Disease
Disturbance that is visible is out mucus from the nose, shortness of breath, ngrok, gasping / skelter, sneezing and coughing. Eyes always look wet, wide angle and very medial niktitan red membrane. Appetite and drinking decreased. All ages are sensitive to chicken srangan IB, but the mortality especially in children ranges from 0-40% chicken. Young chicken who successfully recovered from the IB, the growth and production becomes inhibited. Tools and reproductive tract could be so badly damaged a chicken laying an egg can not produce. This is due to permanent damage to the ovaries and fallopian tubes due serangat IB disease at the age of chicks kuarng 2 weeks. Chicken egg like this can seem to stay healthy and at times plays like will lay eggs but never produce eggs. Disease in broiler Ib causes weight standard is not achieved, and increase the odds of respiratory disease.
In laying adult chicken voices will be heard snoring breathing time, egg production decreased between 10-50%. Low production sometimes occur within a very long time. Low quality due to eggs into egg shape is not normal, rough or soft eggshell. Thick egg white becomes very dilute so can not be distinguished from liquid egg white, egg hatching decreased power.
IB attacks against the influence of egg production at various age levels Chicken egg:
1. In young laying chickens, can cause late period of egg production, egg production may not reach the summit and was always laying low or the appearance of false. False laying chickens crouch as if to lay their eggs but did not come out.
2. In laying chickens that were in the critical period, which began laying period until the peak of production, resulting not reached peak production and egg production under the standards during the production period.
3. On top of Chicken production has elapsed, egg production dropped rapidly and after recovery production may rise again but under standard production.
If the surgery done carcass will appear on respiratory disorders, airbags, ovaries and oviduct, and sometimes the kidneys. Changes in the respiratory tract in the trachea. bronchi and nasal cavities that are found in serous secretions. Tracheal mucous membrane on a reddish, bags became cloudy dab udar there is a thickening.
At Chicken of the production, the ovaries become weak and tender. Often found in egg yolk in the abdominal cavity so that it will happen inflammation of the peritoneum. Are found in the kidneys that typically accompanied by swelling of precipitation. IB attacked chickens susceptible to other diseases. This will mjam. Resulting situation becomes more severe disease and a respiratory disease that is difficult to cure. It is because there is damage to the ciliated respiratory tract mucous membranes, especially in the nasal cavity and trachea. Cilia became broken and not berffungsi, so there is no longer that help block the disease-causing germs masuknay into the respiratory mucous membranes. This condition caused Escherechia coli bacteria and germs easily enter.
Contagion in the very short time. Within 2-3 days most or all the chickens in a cage becomes sick. 18-36 hour incubation period. IB is the most rapid disease spread among other infectious poultry diseases. Transmission does not occur through the eggs. The source of transmission was virus ayamsakit yangmengeluarkan along dibatukan mucus or phlegm is removed from the eye / nostril. Transmission occurs directly where healthy chickens inhaling air containing the virus particles. Transmission can also occur indirectly. ie, if the contaminating virus shed workers, peraltan the cage, insects, wild chicken / other animals into the body of healthy birds through the digestive or respiratory tract.
Disease Control
1. Vaccination. Vaccine production during the test can use active or inactive vaccine. In order to determine more quickly when vaccination monitoring should be done every month antibody titer.
2. Perform sanitation cage (cage cleaned, washed and antisep sprayed with), limiting visitors, prevent wild animals and other pets into the cage environment.
Have not found a drug that can cure infectious bronchitis. Businesses that may be performed on an infected chicken is a chicken body condition quickly improved and hence stimulate appetite by providing vitamins. IB attacked when young chickens (starter period), can also be given additional heating.