Thus, the chicken disease prevention through vaccination programs and should receive priority attention. Lax implementation of vaccination can be fatal, which is chicken specific disease difficult to overcome. Until now ND deaths from the disease also remains a major threat.
The emergence of vaccine immunity by entering into the chicken body and the process takes time. For example, the vaccine caused the immune ND gradually in stages. Immunity arose after 5-7 days after the chickens vaccinated. Then the immunity will continue to increase until 2-3 weeks after vaccination done. Before the immunity, ie 0-5 days after vaccination, a negative phase. Negative phase means the phase when the chicken is in the condition it is more susceptible to disease than chickens that are not in the vaccine.
Long immunity produced by a vaccine depends on the type of vaccine itself:
1. Lentogenik ND vaccines, such as strain M, a weak strain capable of providing immunity only for 3 months. Such vaccines are well suited as the basic vaccines, given to the chickens that had never been vaccinated.
2. Lasota vaccine is the vaccine strain is, this vaccine is given to the chickens that had been in the vaccine or adult chicken. This vaccine can provide immunity for 6 months.
3. Mesogenik vaccine, vaccine-like strains komarrow, the vaccine strain of malignant, which can provide immunity in a longer time, which is about 12 months. Such vaccines should not be given to the chickens that had never been vaccinated. \
But the practice in the field, for laying chickens on our farm, do revaksinasi ND 1 month.
Hopefully useful