1. Coustic Soda (NaOH), soda ash. Coustic Soda (NaOH) 2% can be used to control the spread of disease, caused by microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. This material is very good for the virus exterminator, but in its use must be careful, because this material is hard. The user must be using rubber gloves, because in a certain concentration can irritate the skin. Therefore, it would be dangerous if exposed to the face and eyes. spent in the cage disinfection with caustic soda, should be left blank until stable conditions such as floors and walls are dry. or if necessary, after disinfecting contact with the floor and walls, for + - 8 hours, can be rinsed with clean water. caustic soda solution is very effective to kill the IB and ND viruses.
2. Lysol. Disinfectants are used to sanitize cages and equipment after the depopulation (the emptying of the cage) is made after the chicken out or hit by plague. Compared to phenol, lysol disinfectant ability as a better bacteria and non-toxic. Lysol many Dapasaran sold with 100% concentration while 2% dalampemakaianya enough alone, so if you use must be diluted first.
3. Phenol 2%. It is a derivative (derivatives) of phenolkresol. In general, derivatives are highly resistant to the resistance of the remaining organic siasa. Phenol is very suited to sanitize the cages and wash tub footwear.
4. Jodophor (halogen). Disinfectant group is usually called by the name of halogens. This is a synthetic material of iodine (halogens) and organic substances. This is very effective disinfectant for all bacteria, fungi, viruses, and can be used in a variety of purposes. Jodophor besides functioning as a disinfectant as well as serve as snitaizer and antiseptika.
5. 40% formalin (formaldehyde). Formalin as a disinfectant can be used in various purposes, including the following :
1. To sanitize the floor and walls of the cage, use a solution of formaldehyde in water 4%.
2. To decontaminate footwear, used a solution of formaldehyde in water 0.5% -1%.
3. As a material or element Fumigation. On another occasion I will write this way the use of formalin for fumigation.
hopefully useful