Morbidity can reach 60%, whereas the mortality rate ranges from 5-30%. In the current egg-laying chickens can be a decline in production, egg hatching decreased power because of the death of the embryo. Chickens that recover from the disease can suffer AE cataracts or blindness.
Avian Encephalomyelitis caused by a virus found in feces can hold up to 4 weeks. Chickens recovered from AE will be a resistant and does not become a source of disease. Acquired immunity either from infection or vaccination results and survive long enough to last a lifetime.
In young chickens, if clinical symptoms appear at age less than 2 weeks is an infection occurs through the egg. If the clinical symptoms appear paada age more than 2 weeks is an infection occurs horizontally. The disease generally occurs at age 3 weeks. Disturbance appeared:
ataxia, tremors, paralysis in the head neck and died. In laying chickens trouble happened not unique, only a decrease in egg production was also a decline in egg quality and the quality of DOC.
The most common disease transmission through the egg from infected mother to her child. In addition, transmission occurs either through direct contact or indirectly.
1. DOC buying seedlings from a company that has been done in the parent AE vaccination.
2. Vaccination AE do on a regular basis.
There is no medicine that can cure AE. In healthy chickens still endeavored to keep a good body condition, stimulated nafsumakan vitamins and prevention of secondary infection by providing antibioti.
hopefully useful