Incorrectness of the selection and use of desinfectan be very harmful, because this action will not be able to reach sassaran. So that breeders can use disinfectants appropriately and correctly, breeders have the technical terms associated with higienisasi action, desinfectan recognize different types and how its use.
Some important terms in the action higienisasi is:
1. Bakterisid. Is the chemicals in certain concentrations capable of killing microorganisms (germs).
2. Mikrobisid. Is a chemical that has the ability to kill more than one type of microorganisms. This material may dlam disposable eradicate some types of microorganisms as well, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa and parasites.
3. Bakteriostat (Mikrobiostat). Is a chemical that can prevent germ cells that will reproduce themselves.
4. Antieptika. Is a class of chemicals in mikrobisid or mikrobisostat safe enough when used on living tissue, without causing damage.
5. Sanitaiser. Is a substance that is used to obtain a healthy environment, namely to reduce the number of germs that can guarantee the health condition. This Sanitaiser can not kill all organisms present on a surface such as disinfectant.