Avian Inflenza (AI) is not a new disease. This disease first occurred in Italy in 1878 and known as fowl plaque. Agricultural departments officially declare the existence of AI in Indonesia on 25 January 2004. Disease marked by high mortality and can not be dammed premises antibiotics.
Losses incurred varies depending on the virus strain, avian species AI disease, methods of control and precision of control or eradication strategies. Direct losses due to AI covers, morbidity and high mortality, depopulation and increased costs, particularly cost sanitation / disinfection.
Avian Inflenza (AI) is caused by a virus family Orthomyxoviridae, genus influenza virus A. Virus particle has an envelope with glycoprotein that has hemagglutinasi activity (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). HA and NA is the principal serological identification of influenza viruses, there are 15 antigens haemagglutinin and 9 neuraminidase. Subtypes in Indonesia right now is H5N1.
Haemagglutinin is a viral envelope glycoprotein molecule that serves to bind the virus to target cell receptors and initiate infection. Neuraminidase is an enzyme the virus needs to remove the virus from the offspring of infected cells. Enzyme both HA and NA can stimulate immunity.
AI virus is relatively unstable in the environment. This virus can be inaktifkan by environmental factors such as: heat (temperature 80derajat Celsius for 1 minute and 64 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes), pH extremes and drought. Because this virus has a lipid membrane dibagian outside, so sensitive to organic solvents, detergents and disinfectants, namely ammonium kuarterner, aldeheide and iodine. AI virus protected olleh organic material in the cage like mucus, blood and feces. In fese can last for 7 days at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.
The incubation period ranges from several hours to 3 days. Clinical symptoms vary widely depending on factors that affected the species, age, gender, immune and environmental factors. Malignancy level AI virus can be divided into 2, namely: High Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and Low Phatogenic Avian Influenza (LPAI). Malignancy level AI virus is the main factor influencing the clinical symptom picture.
Is a form of mild (less virulent), not followed by secondary infection. In the wild birds do not cause clinical symptoms. In domestic poultry production decline caused by soft eggshell quality or stopped altogether. Other changes that can be found that respiratory distress (coughing, sneezing, snoring), anorexia (no appetite), depression, and low mortality but tended to increase.
Changes surgical carcass (anatomic pathology) LPAI namely: proventikulus inflammation in the area near the border with ventrikulus, pancreas red and pale yellow, sinusitis, tracheal secretions are serous to kaseus, thickening the air bag containing mucus, peritonitis, inflammation of the kidneys and acid precipitation vein.
an acute form of the disease process characterized by fast with high mortality, egg production stopped or decreased dramatically, respiratory distress (coughing, sneezing, snoring, lakrimasi), sinusitis, edema of the head and face, bleeding under the skin tissue of the skin followed by a bluish teruutama feet, head and gill. In perakut cases, the disease is rapid, the chicken died suddenly without any changes can be observed. Mortality and morbidity varies depending on type of bird, age, environmental conditions (ammonia levels, cage density, ventilation), and the presence or absence of secondary infection. Mortality and morbidity due to HPAI reaches 100%, mortality usually increases between 10-50 times from the previous day and reached the peak on day 6 s / d to 7 since the clinical symptoms. Changes in internal organs varies, in general, the mucosal surface bleeding and tissue death in the internal organs. This is especially true Perubhan in epikardium, chest muscle and mucosa proventrikulus and ventrikulus. Intestinal mucosal bleeding occurs the area, especially in lymphoid foci Seca including the tonsils. These changes can not be distinguished by Velogenic Viscerotopic Newcastle Disease.
Chickens have diarrhea of the light green and then changed to white. Leg between the knee and the fingers have haemorrhagi diffuse areas (bleeding evenly). Respiratory symptoms depending on the severity of the trachea. The amount of mucus collected may vary.
In the broiler, the symptoms are often not very visible with severe depression, no appetite, and there was an increase of death of the first visible. Edema on the face and neck and neurological symptoms such as ataxia torticolis and can also be found. At the local ducks and geese clinical symptoms: depression, no appetite, and diarrhea as well as in laying chickens and often accompanied by swollen sinuses. The young Ducks look of nervous symptoms.
Disease Transmission
AI virus from the nose, mouth, conjunctiva and cloaca of infected birds. This is because the AI virus to multiply in the respiratory, digestive, kidney and / or reproductive system.
Inkbasi period varies from several hours to 3 days in individual infected poultry, or up to 14 days in Flok chicken. The virus is transmitted by direct contact from infected poultry from pernapaan channels, konjunktiva and feces. Transmission can also indirectly eg through debau containing AI virus, rations, drinking water, equipment shed another dn-lain.Kurang no data to support the vertical transmission of AI. Infected parent will mengahsilkan egg with the eggshell but tekontaminasi virus that contaminated eggs will not hatch.
Disease Control
1. Bio-security. It is important to control the AI case, namely to prevent the entry of AI into poultry populations from natural sources, and control the spread of and between farms. Biosecurity principles include 3 things, namely to minimize the presence of disease agents, minimizing the chance of disease agents associated with the landlady, and make the environment so as not conducive to the life of disease agents. Various actions can be performed breeders are: disinfection of stables and barn equipment, vehicles and out of the farm location, wearing special clothing to work in cages, ban those who do not go for interest to the stable, and minimize the entry of birds / wild birds to farm.
2. Vaccination. Used is an inactive vaccine containing the homologous virus strain (same) with a local isolate subtype (H5N1). Vaccination program conducted only in the infected areas, the bulk of all healthy birds by injecting individually and if required revaccination (booster). Vaccination of poultry include the entire population at risk (100%) in the infected area. The use of vaccines requires examination at 3-4 weeks serulogis post vaccination to ensure that potential vaccines. Standard of OIE (Office International des Epizooties) / Oragnisasi world for animal health is 3 weeks post vaccination antibody is formed of at least 2 ^ 4 (16).
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