
Quail Bird Farming (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

Quail, or commonly known by the name "gemak" (in Java) called Latin Coturnix coturnix japonica included in the family Phasianidae. Quail Birds have wings, but not smart like a bird flying in general.

Quail cage model is 2 (two) types of commonly used litter system (ground husk) and cage systems (batteries). The size of the cage for 1 m 2 can be filled kittens 90-100 quail, next to 60 tail for 10 days until the age of the chicks off.

Maintenance quail done starting age 1 day to 18 months. At the age of 1 to 30 days of maintenance performed on postal cage or litter, the next day transferred to battery cages. In a stable system that needs attention is the ideal temperature is stable or normal range 20-25 ยบ C, humidity 30-80% range cage; light stable enough during the day from 25 to 40 watts, while the 40-60 watts at night (this applies for a cloudy / rainy season). The layout of the cage should be set for the morning sun can enter the cage.

Quail began producing at the age of 38 days. Peak production can last for 4 months starting in the 4, 5, 6 and 7. Peak production can reach up to 90% usually produce quail beginning at 15:00 until 22:00. Unique from the maintenance of this quail in a cage with a population of 2000 fish were approximately 5 stud tail, aim as encouraging females to lay eggs on. Communication can be heard in a voice that said they responded.

Regular vaccination program given that Lasota or NDIB ND (Newcastle Disease, Infectious Bronchitis) on day 9 and AI (Avian Influenza or bird flu) on day 30. feed that can be given to quail consists of several forms, namely: the form of pellets, crumbs and flour. Because quail peck like to nosy friends will have busy with pakannya pecking. Providing quail chicks rations given 2 (two) times a day morning and afternoon. While quail teen / adult ration is given only once a day ie in the morning. For the provision of drinking on children quail at continually seeds.

The disease usually attacks quail include:

1. Enteritis (Quail enteritis)

Cause: Clostridium colinum, anaerobic bacteria that form spores and attacking down the intestine and cecum, which may cause keradangan
Symptoms: quail seemed lethargic, decreased appetite, hair looks dull, watery diarrhea
Transmission: Through the feed and feces-contaminated drinking
Control: improving governance, maintenance, and separating the healthy quails from an infected. Keep cleaning the cage and tried to get the population is not too dense
Prevention: Basitrasin 0.005% - 0.01% dlm feed / drinking water
Treatment: Through the feed / drinking water by mixing basitrasin, klortetrasiklin, erythromycin, doksisiklin, ampicillin, tilosin and linkomisin.

Basitrasin Dose: 100 g / ton of food

2. Prolapse

Cause: too many gifts of vitamins and minerals for the egg, so that the egg shape is too large, at issue, too oviduct out (perforated)

Symptoms:: eggs are too large, at issue, too oviduct out (perforated) so that the cause of death

Prevention: Providing additional minerals not excessive enough

3. Newcastle Disease (ND) or tetelo

The cause: a virus groups paramyxo

Symptoms:: quail difficult breathing, coughing, sneezing, arising grunting, lethargic, sleepy eyes, wings drooping, greenish watery feces. Tortikolis (head twisting uncertain)

Prevention: Vaccination at the age of 9 days

Transmission: Through food and drink, the air and the equipment is less net cages

Control: Keeping the environment clean and contaminated equipment viruses, chickens die soon burned / removed (not thrown in the river), separate the sick chickens

Treatment: no cure, but to prevent secondary bacterial infection can be given Ampicilin, colistin, Enrofloxasin. And to improve the conditions given vitamins.

4. Pullorum (white defecate)

Cause: the bacteria Salmonella pullorum

Symptoms:: white droppings, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, feathers and wings weak contract hanging. White poop, slow growth, wing hanging down, breath was labored-2, Arthritis, egg production falls, falling appetite, diarrhea and white, can be cured if a career, dirt littering cloaca

Prevention: Maintain cleanliness of cages and cage equipment used

Transmission: Through food and drink, and equipment less net cages

Treatment: Ampicilin, colistin, Enrofloxasin. And to improve the conditions given vitamins.

5. Koksidiosis (dysentery)

Cause: protozoan parasite, Eimeria sp

Symptoms: scab, scab incidence in the hairless skin, such as gill, foot, mouth and farink that if released would bleed

Prevention: Maintain cleanliness of cages and cage equipment used, separating the infected quail

Transmission: fecal contamination on equipment that is less clean cages, which contained feces ookista quail quail consumed by patients healthy.

Treatment: Sulfaquinoxaline, amprolium, diclazuril

6. Fowl Pox (chicken pox)

The cause: a virus poxviruses

Symptoms:: bloody stool and diarrhea, lack of appetite, terkulasi wings, dull hair, anemia appears to pale wattle

Prevention: Separating the infected quail and keep cleaning the cage

Transmission: contaminated food, drink and the air

Treatment: no cure, but to prevent secondary infection can be given antibiotics ampicilin, colistin, tetracyclin. Can be applied neomycin in the wound after smallpox outgrowth peeling.

7. Quail Bronchitis

Causes: viruses adenoviruss

Symptoms:: quail looked listless, dull hair, trembling, difficult breathing, coughing and sneezing, eye and nose sometimes mucus.

Prevention: Separating the infected quail and keep cleaning the cage

Transmission: air circulation is not good or overcrowded cages

Treatment: enrofloxasin

8. Aspergillosis

Cause: The fungus Aspergillus fumigatus

Symptoms:: Quail experiencing breathing problems, eye white layer is formed to resemble cheese, drowsiness, decreased appetite ..

Prevention: improving sanitation and the environment surrounding the stable

Transmission: food storage too long, so moldy, the air circulation is not good or overcrowded cages

Treatment: The provision of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) to reduce the effects of poisoning due to fungi (aflatoxin)

To avoid the occurrence of disease stable environmental hygiene and vaccination against quail need to be done on a regular basis. Disease control is done every time and if there are signs of a less healthy for quail treatment must be carried out in accordance with veterinarian instructions or directions from Poultry Shop

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