
Classification of disease in poultry

In a chicken farm, the disease is one risk that must sometimes be faced. Therefore, the symptoms of each disease, know the source and can cause disease prevention, is one of the provisions that are important to the success of farm businesses.

Various types of diseases cause similar symptoms, but there are some typical symptoms for each type of disease. Here I will explain the types of disease in poultry (chicken, quail, ducks and other avian species) based on the cause:

Diseases caused by viruses:

1. Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE).
2. Avian Influenza (AI)
3. Chicken Anemia Agennt (CAA)
4. Egg Drop Syndrome (EDS'76)
5. Fowl Pox (Chicken Pox)
6. Helicopter Disease (Runting & Stunting Syndrome)
7. Infectious Bronchitis (IB).
8. Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD = Gumboro Disease)
9. Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)
10. Limphoid Leukosis (LL)
11. Marek's Disease (MD)
12. Newcastle Disease (ND = Tetelo)
13. Swollen Head Syndrome

Diseases caused by bacteria:

1. Avian Tubercullosis.
2. Chronic Respiratory Disease
3. Collibacillosis
4. Fowl Cholera (cholera)
5. Injectious Coryza (Snot, runny nose)
6. Sallmonellosis (- Avian Paratypoid, - Fowl Thypoid,-Pullorum)
7. Staphylococcosis
8. Streptococcosis
9. Necrotic Enteritis

Disease caused by parasites in (endoparasit):

1. Protozoa (-Koksidiosis
-Leucocytozoonosis ( "malaria like" poultry)
-Malaria Poultry
2. Wormwood

The disease is caused by external parasites:

1. Lice
2. Louse
3. Mites
4. Fleas

Diseases caused by fungi and toxins Mushroom:

1. Aspergillosis
2. Mycotoxicosis

The disease is caused by various kinds:

1. Hidrops ascites

hopefully useful

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