Various types of diseases cause similar symptoms, but there are some typical symptoms for each type of disease. Here I will explain the types of disease in poultry (chicken, quail, ducks and other avian species) based on the cause:
Diseases caused by viruses:
1. Avian Encephalomyelitis (AE).
2. Avian Influenza (AI)
3. Chicken Anemia Agennt (CAA)
4. Egg Drop Syndrome (EDS'76)
5. Fowl Pox (Chicken Pox)
6. Helicopter Disease (Runting & Stunting Syndrome)
7. Infectious Bronchitis (IB).
8. Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD = Gumboro Disease)
9. Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)
10. Limphoid Leukosis (LL)
11. Marek's Disease (MD)
12. Newcastle Disease (ND = Tetelo)
13. Swollen Head Syndrome
Diseases caused by bacteria:
1. Avian Tubercullosis.
2. Chronic Respiratory Disease
3. Collibacillosis
4. Fowl Cholera (cholera)
5. Injectious Coryza (Snot, runny nose)
6. Sallmonellosis (- Avian Paratypoid, - Fowl Thypoid,-Pullorum)
7. Staphylococcosis
8. Streptococcosis
9. Necrotic Enteritis
Disease caused by parasites in (endoparasit):
1. Protozoa (-Koksidiosis
-Leucocytozoonosis ( "malaria like" poultry)
-Malaria Poultry
2. Wormwood
The disease is caused by external parasites:
1. Lice
2. Louse
3. Mites
4. Fleas
Diseases caused by fungi and toxins Mushroom:
1. Aspergillosis
2. Mycotoxicosis
The disease is caused by various kinds:
1. Hidrops ascites
hopefully useful