
Various causes of stress in laying hens

Various causes of stress on the maintenance of laying hens:

1. In DOC cage, eating or drinking too narrow or difficult to reach. Therefore the amount of the feeding and drinking at DOC's cage should be more. And do not put the feed is beyond a radius of 3 meters between the feeding and drinking, because it is difficult for chicks

2. The presence of parasites or worms and parasites in the outer or body lice found on chickens would lead to lack of peace of chicken in question and is a burden too heavy for his life

3. Gonncangan pressure or from the environment. This event usually occurs as a result of loud noises and surprising, such as firecrackers, noise and bustle of the others.

4. The lack of uniformity, in a coop of chickens or growing small fee will be experiencing stress in trying to keep food or drink. To overcome this, each enclosure must be filled chickens of the same amount or uniform.

5. As for the other stressors are debeaking or cut part, traveling, moving cages, chickens are often held, the food changed suddenly, climate change and air circulation is not good.

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