
Infectious Laryngotracheitis (ILT)

Infectious Laryngotracheitis
(ILT) is a disease of the respiratory tract kontagius characterized by difficulty breathing, craning his neck because of difficulty breathing, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the membrane surrounding the eye.

Herpes is caused by a virus, which can live on leleran 8-10 days, more than 70 days in the carcass, and can live more than 80 days in exudate (trachea or airway) under natural conditions. This disease lasts for 2-6 weeks in a flock, and longer than the other viral respiratory disease.

The disease is very important because:

     Mortality and morbidity are high p there is one flock.
     Causing economic losses.
     Can not be treated
     This disease can be prevented, but it can cause chicken carrier for those who have been infected.

The disease is not contagious to humans and the events most often occur in chickens. but can also infect turkeys, ostriches and other poultry. Wild birds can act as a carrier.


In acute disease characterized by clinical symptoms and the discovery of blood, mucus and exudates caseosa on the trachea. Microscopically characterized by desquamative and nekrotic tracheitis. Diagnosis may be confirmed by the finding of inclusion body intramuclear tracheal epithelium, isolation and identification of specific viruses with chicken embryos and tissue culture or by inoculation of intraorbital sinus to determine immunity. Specimens can also be inoculated on the membrane of embryonated chicken eggs chorioallantois on microscopic examination of the lesion chorioallantois membrane contained intranuclear inclusion body. Can be distinguished by Fowlpox tracheal lesions and inclusions bodynya form intracytoplasmic inclusion body. Diagnosis can also be done by PCR.
differential diagnosis

     Infectious Bronchitis
     Newcastle Disease
     avian coryza


     Minimize dirt and dust
     Use mild expectorants
     Vaccination either eye drop, drinking water or by spray.
Infectious virus Laryngotracheitis (ILT) is transmitted through the respiratory system and can be transmitted by direct contact between the air as birds in one cage. Viruses enter and infect the birds through the eyes, nose or mouth. Mucus and blood containing the virus can go out and spread the disease by coughing. The incubation period is 6-12 days. Incidence of traffic due to the outbreak of poultry, workers and equipment enclosures, and environmental conditions that allow the deployment.

Clinical Symptoms

     decreased egg production and meat
     sometimes develop pneumonia or bronkhopneumonia
     mortality reached 50%

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