
Infectious bronchitis in laying hens


Bronchitis Infectious diseases are caused by Corona virus that attacks the respiratory system. The virus is easily killed by heat or disinfectant.

Bronchitis Infectious disease transmission can be through direct contact between young chickens with sick chickens. Indirect contact can occur through the vomit from sick chickens. Infection of immature chickens cause mild respiratory disease, which can affect the vitality and growth when exacerbated by poor management and stress due to climate or mikoplasmosis attack. In the adult chicken disease does not cause death, but the chicken was less than 6 weeks can lead to death.

clinical symptoms
- Stunted growth
- cough
- sneezing
- rattling
- Difficulty breathing
- Out mucus from the nose
- Breathless
- Decreased appetite

Infectious Bronchitis Virus causes can be isolated and egg inoculation using specific pathogen free (SPF) or in tissue culture.

Sanitation factor for disease transmission chain breaker because the virus is highly susceptible to disinfectants and heat. Prevention is another very common practice is to provide vaccinations on a regular basis.

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