
Of particular interest in the maintenance phase of laying hens starter

Some of the failures at the beginning of the maintenance starter such as freezing, errors in feeding, disease disorders, excess capacity (over crowded) will result in negative effects that are difficult to overcome in production capabilities. With these reasons that the farmers should have a more rigorous maintenance program. Maintenance program in question is a governance totally accurate, among others:
1. Provision of artificial stem
2. Method of feeding
3. Prevention and eradication of diseases

Warming curse (doc) is the most important phase, because of the work done in this period with good results will determine production peaks are good also. Required for this purpose artificial parent or supplementary heating. Parent made ​​this shape can be made a sort of box or circle of cardboard and other sebgainya equipped with a heat source, in order to maintain long curse still require additional heat from the outside.

Since the heater is in use as a substitute parent, the heater is also known sebgai parent or brooder. And in this case acts as a surrogate parent is absolutely true is that farmers themselves. Because they are from early to prepare meals and take care to carefully regulate the heat, and the prevention / eradication of diseases and other sebgainya.

As a substitute for of adequate breeders, farmers should be able to prepare good breeders. Where it b good breeders are breeders who meet several criteria as follows:
1. Stable and continuous source of heating
2. Fresh air in the breeding
3. Good lighting is quite good
4. Construction of adequate

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